Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What is Pulse?

Pulse is food for thought; Pulse is thought for food when the body is thought of in terms of a temple.    Pulse is usable, practical, applicable, timely, and best of all, convenient.  Pulse is a meal in the form of a snack; Pulse is a snack that is a meal.  Pulse eaten often fulfills the measure of its creation and helps you to fulfill the measure of yours.  It's been written, "All things are numbered unto God."  Pulse also has a number, a number that is the totum bonum of all numbers as the forgotten rootstock of today's mathematics, "The Living Math", portrays.  In the text, I was so  honored to find and read where Pulse was recorded with its content list of ingredients, along with justifications or mathematical proofs for its formulation taken from a text it quoted often, but which obviously was written during a previous era, named Seven Mouths of Seven Witnesses.

In order for those interested in the understandings of precision that go into the making of Pulse based upon the records of this ancient wisdom of deep reflection upon creation's edibles in nature, I have prepared this brief overview of what past Pulse-and-water-eating communities called Seven Mouths of Seven Witnesses.  These are principles embraced by peoples anciently and on all seven continents.  These were cultures that were subjects of larger nations and tribes.  For instance, Daniel and Pythagoras were friends and fellow brothers in membership of an essene auramatic brotherhood. (see FDR for the complete overview)

...Researchers have found in archaeological digs, earthen jars filled with a sacred meal.  This sacred meal consisted of crushed dates, figs, barley and other ground seeds and grains.  Scientists informally call it "mummy food".  I feel that Moses, known as a high priest and Prince of Egypt called Osiripith, would have called the sacred meal Zeroah.  Today we would call it Pulse or phi-pi.

For more in-depth information about Pulse, its mathematical links, Don's extensive search to obtain this wonderful recipe, please refer to your Farmacist Desk Reference (FDR) vol 1, "Nature's Phi-Nest" section. 

Don't own the FDR?  CLICK HERE to purchase  yours today!

Excerpt from FDR Vol 1 pp171-202

To purchase your Pulse today, CLICK HERE

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