Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What is Pulse?

Pulse is food for thought; Pulse is thought for food when the body is thought of in terms of a temple.    Pulse is usable, practical, applicable, timely, and best of all, convenient.  Pulse is a meal in the form of a snack; Pulse is a snack that is a meal.  Pulse eaten often fulfills the measure of its creation and helps you to fulfill the measure of yours.  It's been written, "All things are numbered unto God."  Pulse also has a number, a number that is the totum bonum of all numbers as the forgotten rootstock of today's mathematics, "The Living Math", portrays.  In the text, I was so  honored to find and read where Pulse was recorded with its content list of ingredients, along with justifications or mathematical proofs for its formulation taken from a text it quoted often, but which obviously was written during a previous era, named Seven Mouths of Seven Witnesses.

In order for those interested in the understandings of precision that go into the making of Pulse based upon the records of this ancient wisdom of deep reflection upon creation's edibles in nature, I have prepared this brief overview of what past Pulse-and-water-eating communities called Seven Mouths of Seven Witnesses.  These are principles embraced by peoples anciently and on all seven continents.  These were cultures that were subjects of larger nations and tribes.  For instance, Daniel and Pythagoras were friends and fellow brothers in membership of an essene auramatic brotherhood. (see FDR for the complete overview)

...Researchers have found in archaeological digs, earthen jars filled with a sacred meal.  This sacred meal consisted of crushed dates, figs, barley and other ground seeds and grains.  Scientists informally call it "mummy food".  I feel that Moses, known as a high priest and Prince of Egypt called Osiripith, would have called the sacred meal Zeroah.  Today we would call it Pulse or phi-pi.

For more in-depth information about Pulse, its mathematical links, Don's extensive search to obtain this wonderful recipe, please refer to your Farmacist Desk Reference (FDR) vol 1, "Nature's Phi-Nest" section. 

Don't own the FDR?  CLICK HERE to purchase  yours today!

Excerpt from FDR Vol 1 pp171-202

To purchase your Pulse today, CLICK HERE

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


No junk, no pop, no sodas, no sports drinks.  Only whole foods which are 80 percent raw and 20 percent heated.  Exercise and be patient.  Diabetes will resolve in 14 days to six months.

Only two types of sugars exist and they are the multi-billion dollar medical mystery of Diabetes.

1.  Simple sugars, called fast sugars, are all processed, refined or artificial, synthetic sugars.  Simple sugars cause diabetes.  Their molecular size is so small that they cross the blood brain barrier quickly, hence their name, "fast" sugars.  This causes the brain to tell the pancreas to release insulin.  Insulin in the blood stream sends messages to the body, which tell it that it is in "extreme danger" and to "lie down".  Insulin zaps your energy so you'll have to rest or take a break.  It also tells your body to "put on layers of fat to protect yourself" and the body responds to the message.

2.  Complex sugars are "slow" sugars.  They are unrefined and occur in nature as fruits, nuts, seeds, grains, and, contrary to public opinion, even sweet potatoes and honey.  They cross the blood-brain barrier slowly, sending a message through the blood to the body that all is safe and well.  This causes the pancreas to release glucagons, which energize you, making you want to walk, run and play.  Glucagons even cause you to burn stored fat.

That's it.  That's the big mystery.  Diabetes testing, also known as testing your blood sugar, is nuts.  It's nothing more than an open invitation to turn your health, your money and your life over to a lifetime of ritual invasion.

People have long recognized that what you eat can play a critical role in both preventing and controlling Type II diabetes.  Perhaps the best way to understand the effects of one's diet on diabetes is to look at two similar groups of people who differ primarily in what they eat.

Consider the Pima Indians.  Researchers discovered that the Pimas, who live in Mexico and eat a lot of corn, beans and fruits, are seldom overweight and rarely develop diabetes.  By contrast, the Pima Indians in Arizona eat an Americanized diet that is high in sugar and fat.  They commonly develop diabetes by the age of 50.

Just as a bad diet can aid in the cause of diabetes, a good one can help control or even prevent it.  A good diet consists mainly of high-fiber, high-complex carbohydrate foods such as taro, poi, greens and fruits.  Carbohydrates, which are found in nearly all foods except animals - fish, pigs, cows and poultry - are the body's main source of energy.

More on Diabetes, Carbohydrates, and Fiber at

Excerpt from Don Tolman's FDR Vol pp 372, 373 .

Proud FDR owners, please read section "Diabetes" for more information.  Don't own one yourself?  Click here to purchase yours today!

Breathing Tips for a More Effective Aerobic Workout

Would you like to get more healthy benefits from your aerobic workout?  Would you like to burn more fat during your workout?  Would you like to reduce exercise-related fatigue and injury?  Would you like to increase your endurance and stamina?  Would you like your workout to help improve your breathing?

If your answer is "yes" to any or all of these questions, then there is one simple thing you can do.  Don't let yourself become "breathless" during your workout.  We undermine our breathing coordination, burn sugar instead of fat for fuel and become tight and tense, which can promote injury, when we become breathless.

The simplest way to know whether you are exercising too intensely and becoming breathless is to try to speak several sentences out loud while you're working out.  Your workout is no longer "aerobic" if you can't do it without gasping for breath.  It is, or is about to become "anaerobic", which means that it is proceeding without oxygen and you are no longer burning fat for fuel.

Inhaling and exhaling only through your nose is a simple way to ensure that you are working out at a level that will not make you breathless.  If you try this, you will quickly discover, especially at the beginning, that you will have to work at a less intense rate during your workout.  Gradually, your breathing coordination will improve and you will be able to do more and progress more rapidly.

Eventually, you'll have more power and last longer than others who don't know this almost forgotten secret of the Ancient Olympiad.  Breathing through your nose is a great regulator of CO2-to-oxygen ratio, and you actually run internally better on  more CO2 than oxygen.

Excerpt from Don Tolman's FDR Vol 2 pp 255-256.

Proud FDR owners, read the section "Breathe" for more information.  Don't yet own one?  Click here to purchase yours today!  This and much more Self-Care wisdom to be found in the FDR